• Question: HOW OLD IS THE MOON?

    Asked by anon-286382 on 4 Mar 2021.
    • Photo: Jess Buddle

      Jess Buddle answered on 4 Mar 2021:

      Hey! Around 4.5 billion years!
      The earth is around the same!

    • Photo: Karen Burstow

      Karen Burstow answered on 5 Mar 2021:

      The moon is pretty old – it was formed around 4.5 billion years ago! The most widely accepted theory for how it was formed is that a rocky body collided with the Earth and the debris from this crash came together orbiting around the Earth to make the Moon!

    • Photo: Chris Waller

      Chris Waller answered on 5 Mar 2021: last edited 5 Mar 2021 9:17 am

      Very old! About the same as the Earth – about 4.5 billion years.
      As the others have said, the most accepted theory for it’s formation was because of a giant collision with another very large rocky body. We know how this because we have analysed rocks collected during the Apollo moon landing missions in the 1960’s and the rocks they collected have very similar composition and age to those found on Earth.

    • Photo: Lizzie Pendlington

      Lizzie Pendlington answered on 5 Mar 2021:

      It looks like you have already got some great answers to your question so I thought I’d tell you another cool fact about the Moon. Did you know there are also big mountains on the Moon like there are on Earth?😵

      There are more facts here on this great infographic https://stfc.ukri.org/wp-content/uploads/sites/1/wp-content/uploads/sites/1/educational-publications/moon-broadsheet/

    • Photo: Claire Price

      Claire Price answered on 5 Mar 2021:

      Scientists in Germany actually measured how old the moon was by taking measurements of moon rocks. They found that moon is 4.53 billion years old! That is very old! Imagine all the things that have happened in that time.
